Friday, August 28, 2020

New lease form for rent stabilized tenants for Oct. 2020-Sept. 2021

In June 2020, the Rent Guidelines Board voted that for rent stabilized tenants whose lease renewals begin any time from Oct. 1, 2020 through Sept. 30, 2021, a 1-year lease renewal would have NO increase, and a 2-year lease renewal would have NO increase the first year, and a 1% increase the second year.   This does NOT apply to you if your lease renewal does not begin during that period. 

So if you are rent stabilized and your renewal lease will start any time between Oct. 1, 2020 and September 30,20201,  your lease renewal form will look a little different than it has before.  (Click on the link for what the new one looks like.)

Under line 2, it should say:  

**Rent Guidelines Board Order #52 applies to leases commencing between 10/1/20 and 9/30/21.  It allows the two(2) year lease guideline increase to ONLY be collected in the second year of the lease. There is no increase in the first year. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Black lives matter! Join some neighbors in a vigil each evening.

While this isn't a tenant association activity, many tenants meet each evening for a 9-minute silent vigil in front of our building.  Our signs say "Black Lives Matter.  Vote" and similar messages. Of course we wear masks and stay 6 feet apart.

With the recent shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, it's clear that the message hasn't reached those with guns.  A Black man can still be shot in the back 7 times, in front of his three children, and two people peacefully demonstrating in support of Jacob Blake were shot by a white teenager.  So Jacob Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber can be added to the antii-Black violence.

Please join us.  We're meeting at 7:30 PM these days - and will make it earlier along with the earlier sunset.  And join other community members every Friday evening at 5 PM at 96th and Broadway to "say their names" - recite the names of Black people killed by the police.

                         Thanks to Laura Koulish and Frank Leonardo for photographs.

Have you been counted in the Census?

Do you want money for schools? for hospitals? for libraries? for roads? for the MTA?

  • Even if you're here temporarily, 
  • Even if you're staying out of town during the pandemic,
  • Whether you are a U.S. citizen or not,
  • Even if privacy is very important to you, 
We need to be counted if we want enough representatives in the U.S. Congress.

It's easy.  Click on MyCensus2020 and fill it out. Even if you don't have the ID number they sent you, you can do it with your address.  Or you can do it by phone: 

Stellar initially refused to admit the U.S. Census worker who came with the names of 48 tenants who hadn't yet filled out their forms. But with the help of Congressman Nadler, Community Board 7, and Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, the U.S. Census office in NYC sent Stellar a letter, and  Stellar has agreed to let in the Census workers. But you don't have to wait. Do it now!