Tenants & Campaign Finance Reform
Monday, February 25th || 6:30 pm || 113 East 13th Street
As documented by the NY Times and Huffington Post, the powerful Real Estate Lobby floods Albany with obscene amounts of money. There is momentum for meaningful Campaign Finance Reform this year, and we cannot miss the opportunity.
Join our special guest - Strong Economy for All's Mike Kink - -and more than 75 member organizations to discuss how
- repealing Vacancy Destabilization,
- regaining Home Rule, and
- strengthening the rent laws in 2015
will be much easier if we can limit big money's influence in Albany...and what R3 can do to make it happen.
The agenda includes NYCHA's attempt to build luxury towers, R3's response to Assemblyman Keith Wright's push for A3354, & more!
What: Real Rent Reform Campaign Meeting
When: Monday, February 25th | 6:30pm Where: 113 East 13th Street (b/w 3rd & 4th Ave), Manhattan Getting there: 456LNRQ trains to 14th Street-Union Sq
RSVP at rsvp@realrentreform.org | 212-979-6238 x 203

R3 is a coalition of tenant associations, community organizations, and unions. Visit us on the web HERE! |
