Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Pot Luck Party was a Blast!

Thanks to the Pot Luck Planners, 
   Debbie Gonzalez,
     Lydia Pitsirilos, and
        Maxine Soares

and to everyone who contributed food or work or money. 

We had ....

Bobby Moorhead's music,

                                lots of dancing 

and fun and laughter - and even a kids' table. 

Check out some more great photos thanks to Chariss Boisseau, Debbie Gonzalez, Zena Gonzalez, and Laura Koulish.  If you took some snapshots, send them along for the album!

Tish, Janis, Chariss in foreground, 
lots of tenants outside behind them
(photo by Namita Prasad)

And thanks to our State Senator, Brad Hoylman-Sigal who joined us!